Logi Wrap 3D awarded "BEST OF"

The innovative Logi Wrap 3D solution is one of the winners of the Industriepreis 2015 awards in the category Production Technology and Mechanical Engineering. Over 30 top judges awarded it the distinction BEST OF.

We were extremely excited to receive the news. "Your industry solution is one of the best!" was the heading of the letter received by Kallfass this week. This year again, the Huber Verlag für neue Medien and the Initiative Mittelstand awarded this prize. "We are very pleased to have received this award for our innovative and creative performance," explains Jens Kallfass. "The judges recognized the exceptional capabilities of the Logi Wrap 3D film packaging system, which provides an economical solution for film packaging, starting at a lot size of 1+, that is extremely interesting for the shipping and logistics industry," continues the CEO.

The patrons of this award, the Deutsche Mittelstandsverbund (DMB) e.V. (German Medium-Sized Enterprise Association) and SCHOTT AG, see this award as a great opportunity for medium-sized businesses that provide a major contribution to innovation in the German economy with their wide range of ideas and development projects. It is not unusual for internationally sought-after products and solutions to be developed, turning an innovative SME into a hidden champion.

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